Backorder and Return Confirmations

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Email Confirmations - Overview

CMS can be configured to send email confirmations to your customers when they place new orders or when their orders are shipped. You even have control over if/which emails are sent based on the order source (phone, website, marketplace, etc.) or, for shipment confirmations, based on the shipping method as well. You can read more about how to configure these confirmations in our Email Confirmations topic in our online Help system.

Backorder and Return Confirmations

CMS 10.0.5 will introduce new email confirmation capabilities for Backorders and Returns. These confirmations will be configured and sent in the same way/place as the above email confirmations are. The two new confirmation options are described in more detail below.


Backorder Confirmations

If you enable Backorder Confirmations for an order source, a confirmation will be created any time an order is saved with one or more backordered items on it. This is true for both standard backorders and Hold Until Complete (HUC) backorders. If CMS was also configured to create an order confirmation, this backorder confirmation will automatically cancel any unsent order confirmation for that order, sending only the backorder confirmation. The backorder confirmation can contain the same information and/or attachment as an order confirmation so it is a suitable replacement for order confirmations when backordered items are present.

You may include a Merge task in your email confirmation that has a list of the back ordered items (Quantity Ordered, Quantity Backordered, Product Code) or leave item detail out of the email itself and direct your customer to refer to the attached PDF for the order details. To use the backordered items merge task, click on the Merge combo in the Create Letter window and select FTC Letter - Back Ordered Items List. In your merge letter it will look like this:

^93[FTC Letter - Back Ordered Items List]^

Just place that task in the letter where you'd like the list of items to appear.

Return Confirmations

If you enable Return Confirmations for an order source, a confirmation will be created any time a return is processed. If the order is an exchange (items are being shipped) no return confirmation is created since the customer will soon receive the shipment confirmation with their order/return details (again, per the attached PDF invoice).

If CMS was also configured to create an order confirmation, this return confirmation will automatically cancel any unsent order and/or backorder confirmations for that order, sending only the return confirmation. As above, the return confirmation can contain the same information and/or attachment as an order confirmation.

You may include a Merge task in your email confirmation that has a list of the returned items (Quantity returned, Product Code, Price) or leave item detail out of the email itself and direct your customer to refer to the attached PDF for the order details. To use the merge task, click on the Merge combo in the Create Letter window and select Order - Items Ordered List (PlainText). In your merge letter it will look like this:

^477[Order - Items Ordered List (PlainText)]^

Just place that task in the letter where you'd like the list of items to appear.

Note that these are return confirmations, much like order confirmations, to tell your customer that their return has been processed. This is not, however, a refund payment confirmation. If your confirmations are, like most, sent at the end of the day, any refunds would have processed by that point and the attached invoice would reflect its current state. As such the only refund not encompassed by the return confirmations are refunds of customer credit.

Canceling Confirmations

As stated above, both return and backorder confirmations can automatically cancel unsent order confirmations. It is also worth noting that any confirmation can be manually cancelled as well, including backorder and return confirmations. If you have an order that's created a confirmation that you do not want to be sent, just click on Options from the View Invoice screen and select Confirmations from the menu. Click the Cancelled checkbox to cancel that confirmation and then click X to close the window.

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