CMS Product Import

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Revision as of 22:43, 18 February 2020 by Dan hacker (Talk | contribs)
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CMS has the ability to import products from predefined spreadsheets. There are six spreadsheets in total, although not all are used in every situation.

The six spreadsheets are:








CMS-Products is the base product spreadsheet containing data that is solely related to the main product code (without consideration for color/size/SKU). The fields roughly correspond to what you would see at the product level if you were looking at a product in the "Product Information" window. Besides the product code itself, the spreadsheet contains fields such as "InvoiceDescription", "Brand", "AllowDecimal", and "DoesNotShip".

This spreadsheet covers all of the essential top-level settings for a product and can be used to import basic product information.


CMS-Products-SKU is the secondary product spreadsheet containing data related to SKU level properties. This includes fields like "Weight", "Length", "UPC", and "VendorSKU". This spreadsheet is related to the "CMS-Products" spreadsheet via the "ProductCode" field.

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