CMS TEN Upgrade Plan

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Revision as of 21:05, 12 March 2015 by Russ horton (Talk | contribs)
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  • Review the 10.0 Release Notes
  • Do you have custom reports or forms? If so, please consider installing a test version of 10.0 to confirm they will work with 10.0. If there are any issues, please contact NewHaven Software Support to contract any necessary fixes.
  • Do you have custom integrations? NewHaven will keep all standard integrations current including those with UPS, FedEx, Endicia, Peachtree, and payment gateways. If you have developed any integrations of your own, please consider installing a test version of 10.0 to confirm they will continue to work. Please contact NewHaven Support if you'd like assistance with setting up or updating your test environment.
  • Database Connections - If you have any database connections to CMS that are using the dbo database user credentials, they must be switched to the cmsuser credentials or your connections will fail. We recommend updating these before installing 10.0 to ensure no connection errors.
    • The default password for cmsuser is case sensitive and is CMSUser. As part of your PA-DSS Implementation this password should have been changed long ago, but, if you are still using it, be sure that you have the case correct. The most common use of an ODBC connection to your database is for keyed imports from UPS Worldship, it's ODBC connections named CMSPackages and CMSPackagesExport.


Go HERE for information on installing a test environment.

  1. Get everyone out of CMS (TIP: delete the file CMSNET.dat to confirm all users are logged out)
  2. Update your server - This process should take ~10 min. Upgrades from versions earlier than 8.x are not supported and, in such cases, an intermediate update to 8.0 will be necessary.
    1. Verify you can log into CMS without error
  3. Update workstations - Only necessary for Windows 8.x workstations

After Install



Settings to consider which will enable new 10.0 features:

  1. CMS v10 supports 'Active' flags now which are on by default. Removing this flag will prevent inactive choices from being offered in Order Entry or other places where new transactions are created. Inactive choices are still viable though for orders that were created using those now inactive choices. The goal is not
  • Shipping Methods
  • Adcodes
  • Order Source
  • Price Catagories


Known Issues

  • Installing test environments on a CMS server running Windows 8.1
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